Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Saturday Morning Walk

On Saturday, my mom was trying to get me to go to a park called Shollenberger for a walk. As reluctant as I was, I agreed and put on my rain boots, grabbed my camera case, and we headed out. When we got there the lighting was perfect! When we had walked a little ways around the wetlands, and had taken a couple photos, we found a new path that we hadn't been on before. The sign said "Warning: this path is a seasonal wetlands and may be flooded or impassible during certain times of the year". Looking down the path we could see that it really WAS flooded and there were a few Canada geese standing on an island of the path. I walked slowly toward them as I did not want to startle them. When I got nearer they did not get scared off and I managed to get a couple of photos. We were walking down the path which was mostly covered in about 4 inches of water, when we came upon another path that went around three small lakes next to the water treatment plant. We were walking about, just looking around for a while, when we went down a small side path and two Canada geese started to fly! I took my camera, adjusted the settings as fast as I could and held the shutter button while following the geese in the sky. I had been trying to get a shot of a bird flying all day. Unfortunately, when I tried to look at the photos on the camera it was hard to tell if the lighting was right or if they were in focus! We started back on the flooded path, the sky got a little cloudier at one point and it started to drizzle but then stopped a little farther along. When we got back to the Shollenberger Wetlands, we ran into a couple of swans that were posing. After I played with them for a while, we headed home as we were tired, EXTREMELY hungry, and it was starting to cloud over again. I have posted the best of the photos from this trip.


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