Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Oh my goodness, so much to tell and so little space to write it! I will try to condense the past couple weeks into a fairly normal length blog post, well, here goes nothin'.

I am in my eighth week of a twelve week photography class. It has been a lot of fun and I have already learned so much with much more to come. Amid many drives to Point Reyes, working on my assignments, I have been trying to explore other genres and types of photography. One example is Hipstamatic, Hipstamatic is an app for iPhones and it is amazing! This app basically lets you take square formated vintage looking photographs and lets you mix and match settings to get different effects and I LOVE the results. I postes dome of the recent himpstamatic photos with the rest of the photos and I marked them so you can tell which ones they are. I have also been researching square format film to use with my old brownie hawkeye flash model that I got at the thrift store that I have been dying to play with. I have also been trying to get myself to step out of my comfort zone a little but and not focus as much on only nature and wildlife. some examples are posted below, there are even people photographs (granted they are kids, but still.) For my assignment this week I have to bring in 3 to 5 photos taken using one focal length, meaning I can't soom in and out when I am taking photos, i have to pick one lens length and stick with it, I will post the results as soon as I can!


P.S. I apologize for the photos being above the blog post. It is a technical problem that I have not been able to fix!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Just a quick reminder, my photo cards are available to purchase at knitterly in Petaluma, I have just recently brought in a new batch of cards! If you have time go check it out! I am also going to be starting an etsy shop VERY soon!!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Last thursday my mom and I started a photography class with a local photographer, the teacher works mostly in various forms of black and white film photography. The first assignment we have is to photograph in black and white as much as we can in a week and bring in 2 to 5 photos to the next class. I went to Point Reyes to photograph 3 times in the last 4 days, I have posted each picture with a short description as a seperate blog post for technicle reasons, the captions to are just basic and mostly for technicalities. Please tell me what you think.



hours finished: 19
hours to go: 9,981

p.s. there are more photos on the next page.

This is the panorama that I love, and one of the only colored shots I took this weekend.The dark spots on the horizon are rain storms over the ocean.

This was taken out of my car window at Pierce point. There was a heard of mostly female tule elk and this one was the closest I had to wait for her to lift her head in order to take this shot.

This is a silhouette of the Point Reyes lighthouse at sunset.

Sunset veiw during a light rain storm from the outlook at the Point Reyes lighthouse.

I just plain like this photo.

I like this photo because the egret sticks out, yet you can still see some of the details of where he was.

This boat has been in this spot for a long time. Depending on the tide you can see more or less of it, we were driving by and the tide was out and you could see the whole thing, so we stopped and I took this photo.

I just thought this was a picturesque scene. Taken in Inverness.

I love the way the rain looks in the water in this picture, and how it ripples the reflection of the egret. Taken in Inverness.

If you look closely at this picture you can see the rain drops in the background. This picture was taken in Point Reyes on the drive home from chimney rock.

This turkey vulture was sitting on a post in front of a whole field of thistles. I liked how it looked and was able to get this shot when he flew off.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New years drive photos continued

new years drive

Went on a drive with my family today. Here are the pictures below, we even ran into a flock of peacocks on the side of a country road.

Hours finished: 10
Hours to go: 9,990