Before we went to Monterey I went to the beach with some friends, when we got there we noticed that there were a lot of washed up jellyfish. They were very large and pinkish and had very long tentacles. I took some pictures and when I got home I found out that they were sea nettles, the type of jellyfish that you typically see in aquariums. They were so unusual and cool that my mom and I went back the next day to take some more photos.
Then about two weeks later was the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco. This is a craft fair that is soo amazing and soo huge that it is one of the highlights of my year! I got some supplies for some craft projects, I will post pics when I finish them.
While we were in Monterey at Point Lobos we had an encounter with a sea otter in the wild, it came close enough for me to get some decent shots. This was pretty much my first encounter with actual wildlife photography, which is what I want to do for a living, so this was very very exciting for me!
A few weeks ago my parents and I went to the same beach that had the jellyfish and took the same half a mile hike. On the hike back my dad spotted a small grey fox nestled into a small indent in a fallen tree. I fortunately, had my camera out already, I took some pictures, and then, when I tried to get closer he got scared and ran off. When I looked at the photos late I realized that there was a branch that I had not noticed through the lens, that was running straight across the foxes face! Fortunately I got a couple really good shots!
This week my mom and I went to Bodega Bay to watch the whales! We saw quite a few whales, but it was SO unbelievably windy that we couldn't stay for too long! On the way back home we stopped at a little beach and I trued to take a picture of a small shore bird and it played hard to get after a while I gave up and we started home again. Then on the other side of the bay there was another small beach that was covered in the same birds! Oh well, Murphy's law I guess. The next day we went back and saw some friends at the beach, I went down to the water and saw some small clear little spheres rolling around in the surf I picked one up I guessed that they were either some kind of larvae or comb jellyfish. I researched them when I got home and they were indeed a type of comb jellyfish called sea gooseberries! after spending some time at the beach we went back to watch the whales again, and this time we saw some of the whales tails! They weren't too close, but I got a couple of pics anyways.
And that was my summer! I am now posting most of pics that go with my blog posts on my flickr page I will post a couple pics on my blog each time I post but most of the photos will be on flickr! There will always be a link at the bottom of the post.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed,
for more photos go to and search under members ladybuglily I am not able to post a link right now