I have recently made a special connection with a little friend of mine and I just had to share it with you! I live across the street from a very nice family: Kenny and Eden parents, Isabella 5 year old daughter, Oliver 2 1/2 year old son, 2 dogs, 3 chickens, 1 cat, and some fish. I have always liked hanging out with Isabella and, whenever she was out in her front yard playing I would walk across the street and play with her for a little while. A couple of weeks ago, I was over at Isabella's house, and she was trying to catch a bug of some sort then, when she couldn't find any she decided to look for snails and slugs, when we couldn't find any of those either I told her that snails usually came out at night when it was cooler. After that we gave up our search and she went inside to have dinner. The next night I was out in my backyard with a flashlight and I saw some snails, I decided that I would put some in a container and drop it off for Isabella to find in the morning, with the snails I wrote a note asking her to write letters to me and I would write back. I wrote a couple letters to her to initiate the correspondence and then I got my first letter! We had been trying to set up a date to get together when she could come over to my house as she wanted to learn how to knit and also she wanted to learn how to take pictures. When she came over my mom let her use her camera and I took her out in the back yard. I set the camera on auto and followed her along and helped her when she had a question. When we were done I made a CD of the photos and sent her home with it. The next time I saw her I went up to the park with her and her brother and her dad, when we were just about to leave I asked Kenny if it would be alright if I took some photos of the kids on the slide together, he said "sure," I got some really cute ones and have posted a couple below. I have also posted some photos of her letters.
Isabella's family owns a horse and they keep it at a ranch I went to the ranch with eden and Isabella and I let isabella use my camera and here is on of the pictures that she took.
as for projects:
oy! I am about 1/3 of the way done with my dad's sweater vest (better get working!) I am making a very nice pink and grey lace-ish scarf that by the looks of it is never going to get done! I have finished one neck scarf and one self fringing shawl though! I am going to be opening an etsy shop sometime in the next couple months so stay posted and I will let you know when it is up and running!
-Lily : )